Refund Policy

Refund Policy

We do not offer refunds.

 For Returns:

If there are any issues with your order for any reason (it didn’t fit, manufacturers defect) simply send it back to us within 7 days of delivery. Once we get your returned goods, a store credit code will be issued in the form of a e gift card to the email address attached to the return order number. Items purchased with store credit will now become final sale.

Shipping fees will not be credited unless you are returning something due to a manufacturer defect .

*All items are inspected before shipment*

 Please note we cannot accept returns or Exchange on the following items:

  • Sale items
  • Swimwear 
  • Body suit 
  • Diamond Studded Pants
  • Gift cards
  • Accessories
  • Handbags

Return Policy

  • To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and returned in the original condition and original packaging.
  • Returns must be in new condition, unwashed, and unaltered with any or if original tags attached. 
  • Any damage on the item may be deducted from your gift card or cause it to be rejected.
  • Please include your name and order number, so we know who it's from.
  • We require orders to be returned using a tracked postal service, as we cannot guarantee that we will receive your return otherwise.
  • You are responsible for the shipping costs of your return.
  • We must receive your items within 10 days of a return request for you to be eligible for store credit .
  • Failure to comply with any of the above steps may result in your return being rejected.

Once your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item and notify you of the approval or rejection of your store credit.